Cold Area Permit To Work


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Sample checklist:

1. Have all operatives signed in at reception?
2. Have the workers received an induction and familiar with site?
3. Has Asbestos register been reviewed, as required for task?
4. Have a risk assessment and Method Statement been issued and reviewed as suitable and sufficient?
5. Has an emergency rescue plan been issued, where required, and agreed as suitable and sufficient?

It is important for all employers to have a health and safety policy in place and for those companies who employ more than 5 employees, it is a legal requirement. Make sure that you have the correct health and safety documents in the workplace and that they are not out of date.

The Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 is the legislation dealing with health & safety in the workplace and is usually governed by local authorities who make the necessary checks and visits to companies to ensure that the rules and regulations of the act are complied with.

A health & safety policy should be written by someone in your place of work, preferably by someone who has taken a course in health and safety and is aware of the responsibilities. The templates you can download will help you to create a policy which is clear and easily understood by the work force.

A health & safety document usually comprises of three elements which are:

  • A statement outlining how safety procedures will be managed in the workplace.
  • How safety is to managed and who is responsible for safety procedures
  • How health & safety activities are managed.
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